Whipped cream that flies directly to your mouth!
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The whipped cream

I didn't do it!
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The umbrella

Guilty of a crime they didn't commit!
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The thief

Would you like to have some sugar?
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The sugar

Tin cans are rolling on the floor, but in a peculiar way!
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The tin cans

You don't need money to be happy.
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The ticket distributor

You can find about anything in the city's manholes.
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The Shark

If you don't watch what you hold in your hands, your fingerprints could betray you!
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The revolver

Sorry! I didn't want to hurt you..
Another great Just For Laughs GAGS Funny, Hilarious Videos.

Just For Laughs - The pot plant